Workshop: Couples

Couples workshop or individual sessions: 

" Love is that powerful feeling you have for someone or something that satisfies your deepest desires".

The question is:

What is the best recipe for successful relationship therapy?

Insight alone does not result in significant changes, and behavioral change by itself is not durable.

In a general sense, what appears to be the right mix of ingredients for successful relationship therapy is any integrative focused approach that:
1 Attends to the relationship's current reality.
2. Uses information and feelings relevant to the current process as a way of accessing the intrapsychic past  of the individuals in the relationship.
3 Builds a new working relationship in the present.

In the process of  couples therapy the following aspects will also be focussed on:
- The psychology of love and marriage
- Sex-love relationship checklist
- Can your relationship be saved
- Effective emotional communicating techniques
- Conflict handling strategies
- Personality evaluations
- The psychology of jealousy
- A rational approach to the development of marital expectations.
- When do I leave a relationship?

" Mind, not body, makes lasting wedlock" - Publilius Syrus

" I must conquer my loneliness alone
I must be happy with myself or I have nothing to offer you.
Two halves have little choice but to join; and yes, they do make a whole.
But two wholes when they coincide...
That is beauty.
That is love."

- Peter McWilliams

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